new setting with cask

1. emacs インストール


Emacs 24 is also available via homebrew. Just type the following incantation in your shell and you’re done:

brew update
brew install --japanese --cocoa --with-gnutls -v emacs
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.x/ /Applications
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.4/ /Applications

# (replace x by current subversions of Emacs 24) or

cp -r /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.x/ /Applications/
cp -r /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.4/ /Applications/

The second step is optional, but it’s recommended if you like to start Emacs from the launchpad or from Spotlight.

Chances are good you have an older version of Emacs installed by default with OS X. It's suggested you to remove that older Emacs version to avoid conflicts with the new one. Do this:

sudo rm /usr/bin/emacs
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/emacs

Or just create an alias in your shell and when you invoke 'emacs' it will run the newly installed version:

$ alias emacs="/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.x/ -nw" To make it permanent, if using bash, add that line to ~/.bash_profile.

That’s all folks! You may now proceed to the configuration section.

cask インストール

Cask is a project management tool for Emacs that helps automate the package development cycle; development, dependencies, testing, building, packaging and more

brew install cask


Start by creating a file named Cask in the project root. Use cask init command to create a Cask-file automatically, containing boilerplate code:

cd ~/.emacs.d
cask init [--dev]

Use cask init --dev, if the project is for package development!

If you are using Cask for your Emacs configuration, add this to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:

If you installed Cask via Homebrew:

(require 'cask)

# これはだめ
# (require 'cask "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cask.el")
# (cask-initialize)

To install all dependencies, run:

cd ~/.emacs.d
cask install

Cask file

(source gnu)
(source melpa)

(depends-on "bind-key")
(depends-on "cask")
(depends-on "dash")
(depends-on "drag-stuff")
(depends-on "exec-path-from-shell")
(depends-on "expand-region")
(depends-on "f")
(depends-on "flycheck")
(depends-on "flycheck-cask")
(depends-on "htmlize")
(depends-on "idle-highlight-mode")
(depends-on "magit")
(depends-on "multiple-cursors")
(depends-on "nyan-mode")
(depends-on "pallet")
(depends-on "popwin")
(depends-on "prodigy")
(depends-on "projectile")
(depends-on "s")
(depends-on "smartparens")
(depends-on "smex")
(depends-on "use-package")
(depends-on "web-mode")
;; yasnippetは、コードスニペット(code snip)を扱います
(depends-on "yasnippet") 

;; ========= ここまでintiによって defaultで入っている ==================

;; yaml
(depends-on "yaml-mode")

;; auto-completeは、編集中に自動補完の候補を上げてくれます(参考)
(depends-on "auto-complete")

;; ruby
(depends-on "ruby-mode")
(depends-on "ruby-end")
;; ruby - option
(depends-on "ruby-block")
(depends-on "ruby-compilation")
(depends-on "ruby-interpolation")
(depends-on "ruby-test-mode")
(depends-on "ruby-tools")

;; undo/redo
(depends-on "undo-tree")
(depends-on "redo+")

init.el file


;; Added by Package.el.  This must come before configurations of
;; installed packages.  Don't delete this line.  If you don't want it,
;; just comment it out by adding a semicolon to the start of the line.
;; You may delete these explanatory comments.

(require 'cask)

;; undo-tree
;; C-x u : view tree list
;; C-S-- : default undo key(C-/ also ok)
;; M-S-- : undo
(require 'undo-tree)
(global-undo-tree-mode t)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S--") 'undo-tree-redo)


(require 'cask)

;; load path
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")

;; japaness (UTF-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-language-environment 'Japanese)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

;; Command-Key and Option-Key
;(setq ns-command-modifier (quote meta))
(setq ns-alternate-modifier (quote super))

;; carbon emacs meta key (option key)
(setq mac-option-modifier 'meta)

;; スタートアップページを表示しない
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)

(setq hl-line-face 'underline)
(hl-line-mode 1)

;; 括弧の対応をハイライト.
(show-paren-mode 1)

;; 列数表示
(column-number-mode 1)

;; C-x l で goto-line を実行
(define-key ctl-x-map "l" 'goto-line)

;; ediff setting
;; コントロール用のバッファを同一フレーム内に表示
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
;; diffのバッファを上下ではなく左右に並べる
(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)

;; Ruby
(require 'ruby-block)
(ruby-block-mode t)
(setq ruby-block-highlight-toggle t)

(setq ruby-electric-expand-delimiters-list nil)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'robe-mode)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'ac-robe-setup)



  • undoをtree uiで表示してくれる (C-x u)
  • treeを移動してで変更履歴も表示される(移動後 d)
  • redoができる
    • global ket setを登録
    • (global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'undo-tree-redo)


ほかemacs package管理 - el-get

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